Unsure about learning online?

Our tutors will support you all the way.

If you want to learn, but can't face going back into a classroom. Don't have time to spend hours at a time learning, or need more flexibility than a classroom run course can offer. Then these are the courses for you. You will learn online and at the times and places that suit you. You can dip in and out as you wish and you will have the full support an experienced trainer that can discuss and guide you through the whole process. This is a new and exciting way of learning that does not compromise on quality or support. We can take into account any specific needs you have and you will find this the most cost effective way of developing the skills and knowledge you need to move forward.

This course is for you if:

  • You need a greater awareness of mental health first aid

    This course is suitable for those who want to gain a greater awareness of mental health, to detect early symptoms of some mental health illnesses and the skills to support their own and others wellbeing.

  • You need to refresh your skills in mental health awareness

    If your certificate is due to expire or has expired in the last 30 days then this course will allow you to refresh those skills whilst taking minimum time away from the workplace.

  • You are an employer that wants to ensure their staffs good mental health

    Delegates will gain an understanding of common mental health issues and the knowledge and confidence to advocate for mental health awareness. The course gives delegates the ability to spot signs of mental health and the skills to support positive wellbeing in themselves and others.

What you will cover

You will cover all of the following elements within this course:

  • About mental health first aid, mental health and stress in the workplace. Building mentally healthy workplaces.

  • Action planning for using mental health first aid and Applying the mental health first aid action plan

  • Alcohol, drugs and mental disorders

  • Anxiety disorders

  • Suicide

  • Depression

  • Early warning signs of mental ill health

  • Other mental issues (self-harm, eating disorders and psychosis)

  • Recovery

  • Stigma and discrimination

Meet your Trainer

Hazel Douglas

Hazel is the founder of Epic training and as such delivers the majority of courses. She has been a member of the fire service fire for over 20 years and really enjoys the role of training. Her passion for teaching led her to undertake the Cert Ed qualification and split her time between active fire duties and an education role. Her years of experience within a firefighting role and education role means that Hazel is able to deliver a vast range of courses to an exceptionally high standard, she is also able to offer a practical approach as she has dealt with all of the situations covered within the course.

Frequently asked questions

If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  • How is this course taught?

    This course is completed online, but you do have the support of your trainer throughout. This course can be taught in the classroom but you need to contact us for more information. The exam for this course is completed via Teams/Skype and is a verbal discussion and Q and A session.

  • Is there a time limit to complete this section of the course?

    You have 14 days from registering for the course to completion of the exam. This can only be extended in extenuating circumstances and this is at the accrediting bodies discretion.

  • Is this course accredited?

    The course is accredited by Nuco Training who oversee all of the input. Your certificate is valid for 3 years and can be used across the UK.

  • I haven't studied for years, am I capable?

    We understand that returning to education can seem daunting, however, can assure you that you're not alone. Whilst we can't do the work for you, we can support you with your learning style to ensure you have the best possible opportunity.

  • How long will it take to complete the course?

    This depends on you and how much time you can put in, in a single sitting. The course generally takes people around 3-4 hours to complete.

  • I am worried I will get side tracked?

    We understand that if you're not actually going to a class, it can be difficult and If you need a study buddy to motivate and guide you, this can be arranged, don't forget that your tutor is always on hand to assist as well.

Don't just take our word for it

See what our customers think

  • Christoper Wood

    Thank you for a great course. It was nice to learn these skills from someone who has actually used them in emergency situations and refreshing to have an instructor who makes you feel so relaxed.

  • Ben Lister

    I completed this course as a distance learner to allow me to teach first aid. The support I received was fantastic and Hazel was always on hand to offer advice and support.